Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Heroes-It's another double post, because I can't bring myself to watch this every week.

So I finally watched the last two episodes of Heroes. What happened? Here goes!

Sylar/Nathan/Gabriel- Did a lot of looking good, showing off his chest, flirting with Lydia and being confused in the first episode. The show also did something with him that I find utterly confusing, which was to show pretty definitively that the only memories he can actually recover are Nathan's, making it seem like Sylar is most definitely out of his own body and in Matt's mind, BUT then, they had Nathan/Sylar remember things that Sylar did and some Rasta guy projected them onto some mirrors or something. So which is it? Is he in himself or Matt? Or both? Or have you just really not thought this out much? In the second ep there was just a protracted battle with stupid Matt over his body, which of course Sylar was going to win, because Matt is just so so stupid it hurts me to watch him. Zachary Quinto was smoking hot in these two eps though, during the carnival parts especially.

Matt- See above. Got totally tricked by Sylar, now we are having this weird Quantum Leap thing where he's in the mirror and Sylar is in his body or something. I don't even know. I hate him.

Hiro- Showed up in Peter's apartment, all dying and stuff. Peter went off on a trip to save him, cause that's what Peter does, he saves people! He'll probably add a clipping about this to his shrine to himself, even if he has to write it himself! Anyway, after being predictably childlike and helping Deaf Emma accept her powers and whatnot, he traveled back in time to stop Charlie from getting killed by Sylar.

Peter- I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that he is pretty annoyed that he teleported to Ohio with HRG, got shot in the chest and then healed by some healer/killer kid, and then flew back to NYC all to get the healing power and heal Hiro, and when he gets there, Hiro had gone back in time. I would be pissed! He's gonna have to wait god knows how long for his "Hero paramedic saves childish Japanese man" headline now!

Claire- Though the whole horror/sorority hazing thing was kind of boring, I think this storyline has had the best payoff all season so far! We actually moved forward with the whole invisible girl is trying to get you plot, Claire's ability was revealed to some stereotypically idiotic college girls AND she admitted she liked Gretchen and maybe liked her "that way"! College lesbian love story here we come!

HRG/Tracy- These two had the tragic story of the last episode, with them trying to save the poor killer/healer teen and then it ending up that the kid gets dragged to death on the back of a pick up truck. It was pretty sad, and it of course led to Tracy telling HRG "Don't ever call me again", because if there's one thing you can always count on Heroes for, it's giving you a promising team up with good chemistry and then blowing it up one episode in. Tracy was also visited by Samuel, the Carny dude, and kind of sort of convinced that maybe she wanted to join his Carnival of People with Abilities Who Do Crazy Tricks and Manual Labor. HRG, as usual, was left alone and despondent, because apparently he can never be happy, even though he is the most tolerable character on the show. Maybe that's why! Maybe watching him constantly suffer makes me like him more or something. I don't know, I hope he calls Claire when he gets home, because they seem to be getting along okay these days.
Samuel the Carny guy- wants to turn Nathan/Sylar/Gabriel back into just plan Sylar, because apparently he did not read enough about him to know that when he is Sylar he is a remorseless serial killer of people with abilities, so he will probably just saw the heads of Samuel and all of his friends/employees and get lots of new powers and be psyched about it! Come to think of it, I can't wait until this happens.

Oh and Mohinder got a mention! I told you guys he wasn't dead!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The End of The World As We Know It: Mad Men, Season 3, Episode 11, The Gypsy and the Hobo

It happened. The thing Don Draper has been been fearing since the day he took that name, since the day he got married, since the day he got his job, since the day his first child was born, that thing happened. Betty, the person from which he has been hiding so much, found out who he really was. She threw his real identity out in the open, exposed it to the light and...comforted him. She saw that her husband, both the man he was and the man she thought he was had been destroyed, and that someone new was being reborn in front of her. She saw that by exposing Dick Whitman she was effectively killing Don Draper. So she put her arm around him and watched him go.

This was a packed episode, but the long scenes between Don and Betty where he confesses everything (or almost everything...there was an accident? they made a mistake? hmm. so close.) to her were the heart of the show this week. Both Jon Hamm and January Jones gave amazing performances in these scenes, with Jones capturing Betty as a cool, calm, angry interrogator, and Hamm showing us Don Draper deteriorating before our eyes. When Betty says "You know I know what's in that drawer!" Hamm's face told us everything. He didn't know, and he is flat out terrified about what this means for his life. But instead of reaching for a story or running to the door, he sits, and he tells her. That his life is a lie, "a lie so big" that he cannot even light his own cigarette as he prepares to explain it. This is the thing he feared. This is was supposed to be the worst day of his life, but strangely, he sleeps soundly after the confrontation. Could unburdening himself to Betty bring down the walls between them? Could she learn to love this new man, who's life and past has now been revealed to her? Shockingly to Don, Betty learning the truth about him does not end their marriage, or his life. At least not yet. Maybe she is figuring out what to do next, maybe she is waiting to see what he'll do next, or maybe she is going to try and find out what it is like to be married to someone new, someone who is not a total mystery to her anymore.

Throughout these intense scenes, there is another layer of suspense because we the viewers know that Suzanne Farrell is waiting in the car for Don to return so they can go on a trip! I think Don forgets about her the moment he realizes Betty knows, but we never do! When poor Suzanne finally slinks away in the night, I feel I may have misjudged her. Maybe she's not a woman on the verge, maybe she is just a different kind of woman. Someone kind and sweet and peace-loving and unconventional stuck in a time when none of that was what someone looked for in a woman. Or a person. She might just be a woman ahead of her time, who really wants to know if Don's okay, and who really believes that she can enter into an affair with a married man and not form an attachment. We'll see if she proves me wrong and goes totally cuckoo, but I kind of wonder if Matthew Weiner created this character to challenge not just the expectations of the characters, but the expectations of the viewers.

I loved the scenes of the family trick or treating at the end. Even if Carlton's question was a little too on the nose "And what are you supposed to be?" it highlighted for the viewers the shift in paradigm they are about to see. Now that our protagonist has lost his Don Draper identity at home, who is he going to be now? He can't be the same man he was before with Betty, so can he be a new man there and the old Don Draper at work? Or will there be a new identity in both places? The question is asked, because Don doesn't know the answer yet. Can he become the kind of loving husband and father he wants to be now that he is freed of his past? Can he share the power of the household with his wife? And if he can't, what is to become of him now that she knows? I absolutely cannot wait to see the last two episodes of the season to find out.

There were two other amazing plots this week that I would be remiss if I didn't talk about. They featured two of my fave characters on the show Roger and Joan. I loved learning more about Roger's past, and seeing him act like a wise and mature man. There was a moment where I kind of wanted him to cheat on his 20 year old wife with the more age appropriate Annabell, but in the end I am glad that he did the right thing. I am not so sure though, that when he told Annabell she wasn't the one, that he was thinking of his young wife Jane. Staying late and making phone calls on Joan's behalf is really not something I see Roger doing for just any old fling. And when he tells his buddy, "she's important to me" you can tell that he really really means it.
It was incredibly satisfying to see Joan hit her rapist husband over the head with that vase, even if his line was again, a little too 'on the nose' for me. Christina Hendricks' face after he told her she didn't know what it was like to work for something for her whole life and not get it sold it for me. So what will become of Dr. Greg now? Will he die in Vietnam? Will he come back a broken man that Joan has to take care of for the rest of her life? Nothing about this story makes me think there will be any kind of happy ending for Joan, and it is so awful to see such a smart, beautiful, capable woman tied to a Neanderthal and trapped in this situation. Maybe my lame little girl fantasies of her and Roger finding thier way back to one another will come true, but that isn't really how this show works, so she'll probably be trapped in this hell forever.
Two episodes left people! I can't wait.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Melrose Place "Windsor" Ok, did I miss what significance the title has?

Ok Melrose Place, somehow you got me a little bit on this, for reasons I can't fully explain. I mean we had Jo, being mean to Riley in the most transparent "I am unsatisfied with my life choices so I am going to berate you about yours" tantrum I have ever seen, Riley being a total baby about the whole thing, and Ella in some ridiculous hat for the entire episode, but somehow, I still found it a little bit compelling.

The whole Jo (Daphne Zuniga) thing was kind of silly, as any sane person (including Ella (Katie Cassidy)) was pretty much like, "This bitch has gone crazy." Then it all comes back to the fact that she thinks she is a sell-out, so it totally makes sense that she would decide that Riley is a sell-out for being a teacher. Cause that makes sense. On about 0 levels. How can you be "selling-out" by taking a job for no money? Or by trying modeling one time? Nothing she said about Riley made any sense whatsoever.

But of course, Riley (Jessica Lucas) dumbly took to heart, because she is dumb. So now she is all ready to dump her fiance because this insane photographer chick told her that after she left her fiance 100 years ago, "That's when my life really began.." Ok. Sure. Maybe that is true, but why are people giving and taking advice from people they just met and know nothing about?! This is a really dumb way to put doubt in Riley's mind about her and Jonah getting married.

The whole Auggie (Colin Egglesfield) coming between them makes a little more sense, and I liked Jonah (Michael Rady) connecting with the movie exec from Philly or whatever. The Jonah/Auggie confrontation was a little weird, as they acted and it was scored as if they were talking about finding out that someone had murdered someone else, not that someone had drunkenly kissed someone else. Also, I feel like a good friend would have texted Riley to give her the heads up on that little "She kissed me!" slip.

I don't really get how everyone relates to everyone else. Sometimes it seems like they are supposed to be friends (Lauren being INCREDIBLY, like to the degree of a stalker, worried about David's activities is an example), but other times I just don't see some of the characters being even friendly. Like Ella and Riley seem to actively dislike each other, Auggie and Jonah don't strike me as friends, and David doesn't seem to be friends with Jonah or Riley at all...I don't know, like are they all longtime friends, just neighbors, some are friends and other aren't? I don't know. MAKE IT CLEARER PLEASE.

I can't really believe Lauren (Stephanie Jacobsen) the hooker was so judgmental and crazy about David (Sean Sipos) stealing. You are a hooker! You can't take his money because it is stolen, but you have no problem whoring yourself out for it?!! 'Where does your moral compass point' indeed woman!

Violet (Ashlee Simpson-Wentz), stop being so clearly insane. People are starting to notice. Not Auggie though, so keep crushing on him like the weirdo that you are.

Ella, why did you wear that insanely ridiculous outfit to the photo shoot? Did you lose some kind of bet? Were you hoping that you would take Riley out with it or something?

Jonah, do you really think that some big time movie producer is just going to remake your movie as is? Are you that naive that you think that you won't have to compromise yourself even the teeniest bit to become a millionaire? Oh well a hot girl told you that you wouldn't have to, so I am sure you won't now. Have fun living in Pretend-land dude!

I love that we had another "I totally used to live here, how weird!" moment.

So as you can see I can't explain it all, but for once I had no problem paying attention to this show AND I was kind of interested to see what happened! Who knows why, tighter editing or something? I really don't know.

And now I have to wait until November 3rd for another episode. Unwise Melrose Place!

90210-"Unmasked" This title has very little to do with the contents of the episode.

So two things made this episode of 90210 about 100 times more awesome than the last one.

1. No Jen
2. Yes Liam!

My love of Liam is no secret, and even though his story line was incredibly obvious and a little dumb, it still made me happy. Here are things I loved about it:

-Liam was onscreen a lot. Getting all angry-hot and stuff.

-He wasn't whining about Naomi, who let's be honest, is pretty annoying most of the time.

-Ivy seems cool, surfs and is a feminist, so now I can't wait for their inevitable (next week?!!) "OMG I thought of you as just a friend but now I see we are MEANT for each other.

-The non-Halloween costume jokes were a thing of beauty. My favorite had to be: "You're Pattinson, right? I can tell cause your hair is messy."

So Liam/Ivy gets my seal of approval. Though why he wouldn't take her money in the beginning after he hits her completely baffles me. She hit your car! Take her money man, don't just rage out like a psycho!

Speaking of psychos, it could not be clearer that Jasper is one. We had like two or three Annie/Jasper scenes, and when the second one came up I was like "Oh, I forgot about these two!" Annie is dumb, I can't wait for her to get arrested for stealing that Bentley. She actually fell for the line "You're my muse babe." Eww. I think the reason I stopped noticing her weird face-making is because I stopped paying attention to her stupid storyline.

Speaking of weird face making, Naomi is all over that this week! She looked like she actually was miming eating that Jamie guy in her first, and then kept getting all shaky faced whenever he around. Subtlety, they name is not AnnaLynn McCord. Glad she dumped that annoying environmentalist guy and is now trying to get over Liam with a guy whose thighs "countries would go to war over." He's no Liam though, come oI did like that Naomi and Adrianna were all worried about Silver taking care of her cancerous (in more ways than 1) mom, and the payoff of Naomi spilling to Teddy was good. Of course Teddy and Silver are totally going to fall in love now, bonding over cancer-mom. Adrianna is going to be SO PISSED.

I kind of love Teddy I think. He's so dumb, it cannot NOT be endearing.

And now onto my two least fave storylines:

1. Harry/Deb/Kelly

-Deb you are crazy.

-Harry you are dumb.

-Kelly you are transparent. (but your hair looked great in that first scene with Silver!)

Also, Harry and Deb you are the WORST "good parents" I have ever seen! Your daughter has had a total personality change, been the victim of a sext and stopped being friends with your son, who sneaks out at night and acts like a jerk all the time. And all you guys can talk about is whether fricken Kelly has a crush on Harry? Really?
You suck.

2. Sasha/Dixon

(I absolutely love that the only pics I could find of Dixon he is wearing this.)

They can't have another pregnancy on this show so fast, could they? I mean she referenced Dawson's Creek, so that puts her squarely in the 26-29 age range. This is a person who is dating someone in high school, 10 years younger than her, and was being totally controlling and weird to him. So I think she has definitely been shown to be someone who would fake a pregnancy to keep her high school boy toy. Right? I am so glad this is all blowing up in Dixon's face though, because he is a jerk.

Next week: Liam + Ivy = LOVE. Also, Navid. I missed him this week.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Days of Sink or Swim: Mad Men Season 3, Episode 10, "The Color Blue"

Sorry about missing the last two eps! I am hoping to get to them at some point, but I figured I would do this week's episode relatively on time while I still had the chance. (I was sick, in a wedding, went to NYC...excuses excuses...)

I love to be able to agree with Roger, and when he told Don in the last episode that he was in over his head, he couldn't have been more right.

Don is getting sloppy, in his personal life and his work life. Last season, everything he touched was gold, and he seemed to have a preternatural ability to know what people wanted to hear and how to handle almost everyone. This season, Don is lost about how to deal with Hilton, too preoccupied with his own need for Hilton's approval to understand how to deal with this kind of eccentric. Now that he is tied to his work life by a contract and his home life by an infant, you can see him chafing. By hiding the $5,000 signing bonus in his 'secret drawer', he is letting himself believe, just the tiniest bit, that he could run if he wanted to.

But deep down he knows he can't run. And he's getting reckless. The affair with the teacher seems to be doomed from the start, with both of them running wild eyed at each other. He wants her, and that makes this affair a little more dangerous than the ones we've seen before. Bobbi, Rachel, Midge...these women wanted him first, and were clear about it. Ms. Farrell played just that little bit hard to get and drew him in, and now he seems hooked, despite her off kilter behavior. The first scene between them revealed something kind of interesting about Don that I don't think we've seen too much of before. Even though he seems so intelligent, so worldly most of the time, he was so easily drawn into her silly, stoner questions about the color of blue, spinning it into the beautiful Don Draper prose in no time. "People may see things differently, but they don't really want to." Don sees the shallow, silly conversation with Ms. Farrell as one with some kind of depth, even though, as my friend Eric put it "She gets her wisdom from 8 year olds." There is something about her that is fascinating to him, and maybe it just the answer to the question he asked her in last week's ep..."Who are you?"

Don's old tricks aren't working at work, and they aren't working at home either. The baby's cries interrupt him and cause him to leave the key to his drawer of secrets (one should not have those!) where Betty can find it. I love the scene where Betty finds the box, trying desperately to use these items to put together some of the mystery of the man she is married to. As she waits for him to come home and face her confrontation, she loses more and more of her will to fight him, to stand for the lies he will surely tell to cover all this. So she becomes "pretty mommy", his radiant wife, and watches him lap up all the praise at the Sterling-Cooper 40th. He is happy, or at least he looks happy, and Betty sees the chance to know him slipping away, replaced, for now, with the chance to be him. To look as if you are someone entirely different than who you are on the inside, to have all the money, all the praise, to have everything. For all of the other characters on the show, Don is the person want to be. He has it all, and it seems to come so easy to him. He hides his deep unhappiness so well, and only shows the world, even his wife, his attractive facade.

Other thoughts:

Paul vs. Peggy: I think Paul realized that Peggy is incredibly talented at what she does, and unfortunately for him, far more talented than he is. He is a man with a big ego, but maybe he will try to learn from her instead of trying to take her down...we'll see how smart he is.

Don and Ms. Farrell's brother: Shades of his own brother, Adam? "I swore to myself I'd do this right once." Of course he sympathized with the kid's need to run away. "It seems bad now, but you can still change things." Does Don think this is still true?

Roger's mother thinking Jane was his daughter, Margaret was great. "Does Mona know?" Jane seemed so annoyed.

Bert Cooper looked so fragile in this episode! I loved the exchange between he and Layne- "Who told you I was vain?"

Even after the Brits decide to sell the company he has worked so hard to improve and his wife makes fun of his utter devotion to his bosses, Layne still does their bidding and gets Bert Cooper to the party. A company man for life?

How does Lois still have a job?! She cut a man's foot off drunkenly driving a lawnmower!

Next week:

Joan! Yay!

Only three episodes, left, so I better see more Sal soon!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Melrose Place-Doctor, hookers and art thieves and I'm still no that into it!

I shall apologize for my late post, I am recovering from being sick AND being in a wedding, so, you understand, I am sure.

Melrose-Michael.jpgWe got a lot of this guy in this week's ep.

We get a lot of Michael Mancini this week, which I'm not complaining about really, but it just wasn't as awesome as I want it to be. That is pretty much how I feel about every episode of this show, so I won't blame the good Dr. for it. So what did we learn about our illustrious cardiac specialist this week?

-He's married to Bruce Willis's ex-girlfriend, Brooke Burns, who is a beautiful woman, but for some reason really freaks me out. Her face has haunted my nightmares since the first time I saw it. So needless to say, I am not enthused about this development.

-He's controlling and weird with David (telling Lauren he has to report how he got all beat up to him AS SOON as she knows) yet knows the dude is some kind of jewel/art thief and seems to be pretty cool with it.

-Has a weakness for crazy redheads. (But who doesn't on this show?!)

-Has son with freaky face wife, wife doesn't seem to be to into the kid. So they're both good parents! No wonder his other kid is an art thief! That's aiming high with these people's parenting techniques! At least thieving art takes some skills!

This week, Michael had the misfortune to meet with Sydney's insane possible daughter, Violet. I know Violet is insane, and I have to admit I am getting that from Ashlee Simpson-Wentz's performance...but I think she's playing it a tad...campy shall we say?
Melrose-MV.jpgJust look at her face in this picture. Overplaying it much?

So now Violet is going to destroy Michael with their sex tape. I have to imagine that if freaky face Brooke Burns knows her husband at all, she knows he's cheating on her at every opportunity. Bummer for her if not.

Two more things about Violet:

-Faking a heart problem with Red Bull? How is she not the murderer?!

-It is gross that now Sydney has done Micheal's son and Michael has done Sydney's daughter. Now if Violet just does David a disgusting circle of life will be complete.

So we know Michael is Sydney's former husband/lover, David's dad, Violet's conquest, AND he is Lauren's boss! What a small world the people of Melrose Place live in. Do you think he was ever like, "Oh weird Lauren you live in MP? I used to live there too! Crazy!" They probably didn't talk about it, he seems pretty serious at work.


So Lauren's still ho-ing it up, and is apparently up for some paid orgies (to prove she doesn't have a "versatility problem" as Kimber the madam puts it), but is not up for being caught by David. Are these two kind of into each other? Possibly. I kind of can't be bothered to care though, because two weeks ago it seemed like the little thief and Ella were into each other, so who knows. They are just throwing stuff against the wall and seeing what sticks at this point.

As for the Ella/Jonah/Riley triangle all I really have to say about it is, Ella is awesome, Riley is annoying. I loved it when Ella actually gagged when Jonah and Riley were being all cutesy together. I do not get why every dude, gay or straight, who meets Riley is so completely charmed by her. Jonah's cute though, I have to agree on that.

No movement on the "Who killed Sydney" plot by the way. I guess we got that out of the way last week with all the "Maybe it was Ella!" stuff.

For "Next Week" I'm going straight to my notes: "riley kisses auggie? weird. auggie yells crazy style."

90210- Dumbness abounds.

Sorry for the late post and for missing last week's ep! Deathly illness + best friends' wedding = no blogging. Sorry 90210!

So, last week on 90210 we found out that Jackie Taylor (Kelly and Silver's mom) has cancer and is dying, and for some weird reason she decided that Adrianna was the best person to confide this to. I guess because they are both in AA? Good thing for her that summer school bond is strong, because she marches over and informs Silver.

Also last week: Sasha found out that stupid Dixon is a teenager and was at first appropriately pissed off and grossed out, and then decided that she wanted to sleep with him one.more.time. I guess we already know that Dixon knows his way around the bedroom, since Silver got his name tattooed on her after sleeping with him one time, but we are shown this fact again when Sasha cannot keep her adult hands off his teenage body. Eww.

This week we are plunged right into the action (or pointless non action) of the whirlwind romance of Annie and the nephew of the guy she thinks she killed, Jasper. This storyline made me ask many questions aloud in the air, such as:

Is Jasper supposed to be creepy? (On the no side, he's a film geek who saves girls from date rapists. On the yes side, he follows people on a date to secluded places, acts like the idea that might have a knife is crazy and then...has a knife.)

Why would Annie believe the word of a guy who took a naked picture of her that she didn't consent to and then showed it around the school?

Who would ever go on a date with a guy who has to say the sentence "I never meant to hurt you with that sext." to you?!!

Will date rapists ever learn a better line than "Don't be a tease"? Girls, if a guy says that to you, hit him in the balls and run. It's a very good chance that he's a date rapist.

Has Shanae Grimes stopped making so many weird faces, or do I just not notice it anymore?

Is Annie the dumbest person on this show? Because something about starting a romance with a maybe-creepy, definitely not well adjusted kid whose uncle you are pretty sure you killed doesn't scream MENSA to me.

Also dumb? Naomi. And Ryan Matthews, teacher of the year. How can these people not see that Jen is SO CLEARLY evil. She could not be more transparent. I mean she actually said to Naomi "This horse is going to make me, I mean, us a lot of money." Doesn't Naomi ever watch TV? Villains and other nefarious types say this kind of thing all the time on Law and Order, old movies and soap operas! Wake up idiots! I know one of you (Ryan) just wants to sleep with her and the other one of you (Naomi) just needs some family love, but this chick is evil. Just kill her or something because I hate her so so much.

The whole Jackie Taylor is dying and trying to be a good mom storyline was pretty good. I can't believe that Kelly is trying to bar Silver from seeing her dying mother. This does not seem to be a good parenting technique with an obviously rebellious teenager. I mean she's wearing one long earring and one little stud! She's edgy Kelly, don't try to keep her down! Prediction: This will go badly for all involved.

And now to the whole Navid/Adrianna breakup: UGH. I once loved them together. So much. And it killed me when Ade just dumped him out of the blue like that! (That'll teach Navid to drone on and on about architecture!) Also, I can't believe she told him she needed "time alone". Time alone = need to do Teddy. Nice, Adrianna, real nice. I find it kind of unrealistic that he wouldn't forgive her though. I mean this is the girl he has loved since fourth grade or something! She said she made a mistake man!! He'll come around.

Teddy is apparently a little bit more of a jerk than I thought! It's one thing to go after another guy's girlfriend because you have real feelings for her, it's another to do it because you want to "have fun" AND THEN tell the guy about it. These lapses could also be attributed to his trademark 'duh duh dumbness'. I am going to trademark that at some point.

Final thoughts:

Of course Dixon won't hug Navid in his time of need. That guy is such a jerk! I think I used to like him.

Eduardo compared Jen to a horse TWICE. Even for someone as horrible as her, that is offensive.
Great line from Naomi re: Jen- "You just threw yourself at some rich guy's feet like it was 1957."
Lovely scene of Ade trying to text Teddy. 'Hmm what flip message about the breakup of my long-term relationship should I send the guy I want to do? I wonder!" Real nice Adrianna.

Aaaand Sasha continues her creepy affair with a high schooler. Gross.

Harry and Kelly continue to want each other? Could this really be going where it seems to be going?

That brief scene between Ryan and Kelly makes me remember that they were pretty cute together. A curse upon Jen!

I pretty much love drunk Harry. Almost as good as stoned Harry! Stop acting like such a loser Ryan! Harry is about 10 times cooler than you!

Camryn Diaz looks decidedly unpretty in the trailer for that movie "The Box". There, I said it.

Definitely not enough Liam in this episode! His mom did make a cake though, and it was nice of him to offer.

Next week: Jerky Dixon does jerky things....and then my DVR cut off.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Heroes- The preview for next week's show looked kind of good, right?

Sorry for the late double post!

Well, let's just get last week's episode over with first here. Last week:

Hiro spent the entire episode trying to save a guy who habitually copies his butt on the copy machine and gets himself fired. Seriously, that is what happened. That was Hiro's plot. For real.

Tracy/Nikki/Jessica whatever Ali Larter's character is named now found out that sometimes, hot women are only valued for their bodies and not their minds when she tried to get her old job back and her old boss tried to get her into bed.

Nathan/Sylar discovered some convoluted and long forgotten murder/accidental death he was involved in that Angela covered up, tried to make it right, and got shot. Or something. These characters have more back-story than a soap opera villain at this point.

So that was last week. It was terrible.

This week, was unfortunately, not much better, though we did get some actual plot movement on the Carny front, so that's something. Also next week's preview really did look pretty good! Oh Heroes, why do you do this to me?

So what happened anyway?

Well, let's just get this over with, cause I know we are all thinking about it...CLAIRE KISSED A GIRL. Or more accurately, Claire got kissed by a girl. I do not know if she liked it. That was not made clear. Was this is a desperate ratings grab? Maybe. Is the youngest daughter from The Nanny kind of selling it? Yes. Gretchen is a cutie.

The other Claire news was that she joined a sorority, accused Gretchen of murder, and is being totally played by one of the sorority girls (Tessa Thompson, of VERONICA MARS, best show ever!!!) who is secretly an invisible person who works with the Carnies and killed her roommate, made her suspect Gretchen, and is trying to get her to become a Carny too. Too bad she doesn't realize how much Claire wants a normal life. Living with a Carnival doesn't strike me as the kind of nornality Claire is looking for. This chick should just hang around her for like five minutes and then she'll know, Claire just wants TO BE NORMAL.

Speaking of people who just want to be normal, Peter is looking for some kind of human connection, so he invites his mom to his weird dingy apartment for some soup or something. Of course, even when standing in front of the shrine Peter has made for himself, Angela is still talking about Nathan to him. Which to me is no surprise since real Nathan is dead and SylarNathan is missing, but to Peter, just comes off as really annoying and rude. Later, he has few INCREDIBLY drawn out scenes with Emma, the deaf woman who can see sound, where they both see sound together, and he immediately tells her about his abilities yadda yadda. She has some kind of "could have been a doctor but blames herself for someone's death" back-story that I am sure will be illuminated further. Also, she LOVES FILING. So do not diss file clerks to her, ok?!

Then there was Sylar. Or Nathan. Or Gabriel Gray. Or someone else? I guess I don't really get what Heroes wants me to feel about him. Let's review here: He was a misunderstood weirdo who morphed into a merciless serial killer, who thought he found his family and learned to love and feel remorse, who then killed the woman he loved and went back to being a murderer, went on a weird spree with his possible brother to find his evil father, then had the feelings and memories of Nathan Petrelli (who was an ass, let's not forget) forced into his head and now doesn't know who he is and is just a cute little puppy dog who needs to be saved. Or something.

I mean, I LOVE Zachary Quinto. He is way too good for the part, which is one of reasons that it is so hard really hate Sylar. He gives the character layers that the writing does not. At the same time, wouldn't it make sense for me to be totally with Ernie Hudson (Ghostbusters!!) on the whole beat a confession out him thing? Because Sylar has done some pretty awful things. But the show seems to want us to be with the psychiatrist lady and want him to be saved. It doesn't really make sense. I don't love to hate him, I actually kind of like him. But he's an evil serial murderer. IT DOESN"T MAKE SENSE HEROES!!!!

So now, Sylar doesn't know who he is, but he is with the Carnies. And next week looks like it might be cool. But it probably won't be.

A few questions to ruminate on until next week:

Why was there a children's chorus singing the theme song to "The Greatest American Hero" a the hospital?

Why am I supposed to care about Emma?

Why was that scene of her and Peter playing the piano SO INTERMINABLY LONG?

Why were the scenes of Sylar in the police station so dang long?

Has that lady playing the psychiatrist been on Doctor Who or Torchwood or something?

How did I not know that was the little girl from The Nanny until someone told me?

Is Ernie Hudson this hard up for money? What about Ghostbusters 3?

How was I even the tiniest bit sucked into next week's episode after this one?

Was it because there was no Matt Parkman in it?