Wednesday, May 6, 2009

90210-Dashing my dreams of teenage marriage.

So this episode of 90210 was all about relationships and not making huge horrible mistakes. And, more importantly, they gave Annie (Shenae Grimes) a funny line! "Oh yeah, I can't wait to go back and celebrate the fact that two delusional sixteen-year-olds have decided to ruin their lives!" I really really hate Annie, so whenever the show makes me like her for even a second, I feel like it is truly a triumph. So tonight, 90210, you have truly triumphed. Also, you made an entire episode about my fave couple Adrianna and Navid, so I was pretty darn happy.

Adrianna and Navid will not be getting married. I can take it, but only because they are still engaged to be engaged, so my dream of them staying together forever and always being happy and adorable can still live on. Thank goodness. I thought that Jessica Lowndes and Michael Steger did a great job in those two scenes at the end of the episode! Navid telling Adrianna that he loved her and then her reply about not being able to keep the baby totally tugged at the heartstrings! You might think that I am a hardened cynic, but I cannot get enough of the cuteness of these two!

Because of their adorkableness, I was able to overlook the following things!

The fact that there is no way that Deb would have let Anne and Naomi throw that combo baby/wedding shower for a sixteen year old at their house. That was weird. And she participated in it like she was so excited for the child bride! You would have thought that was my house or something!

Even though we have NEVER seen Liam interact with Navid or Dixon, he still mugged some dudes to get them into a burlesque club or something. If it were a real strip club maybe, but a burlesque club? Really? The whole thing was very strange.

Liam is still acting like he likes Annie and finds her interesting. This is crazy, as she is awful.

en. All of it. Blackmailing the dad, lying to Naomi, dating Ryan Matthews, spending a million dollars in a month, being generally annoying.

The fact that we are supposed to believe that these people would all sit together at lunch. They wouldn't. The only way they are all connected to each other is because they are all on this show. Work on that 90210.

The crazy amount of Tupperware Navid and Adrianna were using at lunch.

Ryan's fake novel, and the fact that he seems to like Jen and not find her horrible. He is getting less cute by the second!

There were a few non Adrianna and Navid things that I kind of loved.

I LOVE drunk Dixon.

Dixon and Silver are actually getting cute and kind of interesting again, which is good, because they used to be one of the best couples on the show.

Beach yoga! That just seems cool.

Looks like hats are making a comeback! Congrats hat people!

The use of Right Said Fred's "Too Sexy" to score the toilet paper wedding dress fashion show. (In which Deb vigorously participated!)

Naomi's hysterical (and very in-character) inability to read the room when Adrianna and Navid were standing there panicking while she made her speech about supporting their marriage.

Silver's hair.

Naomi looking INSANE when she saw Liam and Annie talking. Fatal Attraction here we come!

So all in all, it was a pretty good episode, filled with cuteness!

Next Week: Prom! We get labor and Kelly vs. Jen! This is the first time in my life I have said this, but GO KELLY!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I let out a loud, "NNNOOOOO!!" when they said there are only 2 episodes left of the season. What the hell am I going to do all summer?