Thursday, December 10, 2009

Melrose Place blew my mind this week!

Well, I didn't have any Melrose Place related dreams this week, but that doesn't mean that a ton of stuff didn't happen! We found out so many things! It was amazing! Most of them made sense even!

-Ella loves Jonah because "He gets me." And she can be herself around him. They are cute. I'm just saying.

-Riley is "scared" and "not ready" to get married.

-Jonah is pissed.

-Ella has super pretty hair.

-The CW's website had like 10 versions of the same two pictures from this episode, and not one of them features Ella's pretty hair.

-Lauren's still whoring.

-Lauren and David are still cute together. (I wonder if that first thing about Lauren will somehow affect this second thing?!)

-Amanda is looking for not something with 'sentimental value', but for a 19 million dollar painting that she believes Syd stole from her.

-Amanda and Michael were sleeping together at some point in the recent past.

--Jonah's movie dreams might be coming true.

-Riley is not ready for any inappropriate post-engagement-break-up sex. (Sorry Auggie!)

-Jonah is. (Good for you Ella!)

-Sydney and Violet actually made up the night Sydney died (Sydney did so much that night!) and were going to be a part of eachother's lives.

-When Vanessa called her a whore, Sydney actually used the line "Takes one to know one" on her. These two should meet Lauren!

-But the most important thing we learned tonight?! Scary-face Brooke Burns/Micheal's wife Vanessa killed Sydney! And not just because Syd was sleeping with her husband, but because Sydney knew that David is Noah's father! WHAT?! Yeah, I did not see that coming. But now I know why they cast a blonde actor as Noah.

-Violet went all crazy and after an intense girl on girl pool fight, actually drowned Vanessa! I hope Noah was sleeping or watching TV or something. That kid is going to need some serious therapy.

-David had a really bad night. He made some bad decisions (letting Violet watch his son/brother, telling her Vanessa killed her mother), but I don't think he could have imagined when he woke up that morning that his girlfriend was going to OD on some kind of made-up drug that a john gave her while she was whoring, and that his neighbor would kill is stepmother/former lover who killed his father's mistress/his former girlfriend. No one can really.

-Amanda saw the whole thing, and then totally covered for Violet, hoping, I guess that she knows where this 19 million dollar painting is. Okay, sure, maybe she does. Still, maybe yell or something when you see someone drowning a lady in your pool.

-No one is ever going to swim in that pool again. Two deaths officially makes it cursed.

-They used such a scary-faced actress for a reason! Because she was a murderer! A lot of casting decisions are coming into focus for me here.

-Micheal's innocent and was just trying to protect his scary-faced wife, who he seems to totally hate. I guess for the sake of the kid or something. I'm just glad we're not losing Michael Mancini!

Melrose Place will be back 'soon' they say! With new cast members! And more fun stuff! I'm ready for it.

1 comment:

Greg said...

I'm ready too! I watched the episode last night and couldn't wait to hear what you had to say about it! I can't wait for more!! I hope people start watching this show!!