Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Future Just Got Complicated- Heroes

Ok, I'm having a crazy week, so I'm doing Heroes before Mad Man, because writing about Heroes is much easier.

As usual, the future sucks and the end of the world is just around the corner! Also, tons of people have "abilities" so our heroes aren't even special anymore! Regular peeps cannot be trusted with powers so things are going amuck! (I loved watching Future Peter explain this Past Peter and have PP all cutely exclaim "But there's always good people! I love PP and his sweet and naive ways. FP seems like an ass though.) Mohinder is still Fly-ing out, Nathan is president and Tracy is first lady, oh and did I mention the coming Apocalypse?!! It's a bummer and Claire is pissed about it! Being pissed has obviously caused her to dye her hair brown, because that's what you do when you're really mad. Blonde people are statistically much happier and less pissed, and Claire needed to convey her anger somehow. She also wears black on the outside (black as she feels on the inside).

Don't worry, because for a moment at least, there are a few cute things left in the future. Present Peter, obviously, is one, but there is another that is even better. It is Gabriel (not Sylar anymore!), all cute and sweet and being a dad! A dad! To a kid named Noah! (What!? Yes. The partnership with HRG must have gone well.) He also lives in the Bennett's old house, possibly with their dog (Mr. Muggles! I missed you.), and is looking all nerdly again. WTF indeed! He's hugging Peter, telling him they are brothers and trying to help him save the world by giving him his figuring things out power (which will turn cutie Present Peter into some kind of merciless killer who must see brains, but I digress), and then Claire and Daphne (Married to Matt. Who cares?! Not me.) and that feeding- on-fears guy show up. They take out poor little Noah, and Sylar goes nuclear on their asses. And that's the end of Costa Verde. Oops.

Other events in this episode include:

-Tracy tries to kill herself. (Her DNA has been manipulated, by the Company, to make her Freezy-Girl, and she can't deal with guilt of killing the Greatest American Hero Reporter)

-Nathan saves her and then they mack. (Who can blame them?)

-The Haitian has locked up Hiro and Ando and they are still fighting comically. (Sort of comically.)

-Matt has to find his spirit animal so he can find his wife who is going to die tragically in the Sylar-plosion in the future. (Um, why would you even do that? I would try to not find her.)

-His spirit animal is a turtle. (Ha! That's actually pretty funny.)

-And last but not least, actually almost best, Mama Petrelli tells Hiro that hey has the key to saving the world, and the key is...ADAM (Kensei!) I loved that guy last season, especially his hot evil future (present?) self.

-Speaking of hot evil guys that I love, I'll leave you with this picture of Zachary Quinto and a cat. Meow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Quinto didn't do a thing for me until he became a less flat character. Call me a goody-goody but pure evil is not a turn on for me. I am still campaigning to have boring cop dude kicked off the show. This is coming from a person who looooved "Felicity" too much and thoroughly enjoyed him as the lovable, down on his luck, Sean. I am bored to death by him and I actually hope that he becomes that turtle.