Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Heroes- Kind of rocking it, am I right?

So no Peter in this episode, and I didn't even miss him, which I think is a good sign.  Nathan is still a dumbass, but he seems to be wising up a bit.  In some ways I am glad about that, because his plan is just so terrible, but in other ways I am a little disappointed that they backed away from Nathan being the The Big Bad of this season.  He's all conflicted and shit (which I suppose he would have to be, since he has an "ability" too) but I think if we can understand anyone becoming a conscienceless evildoer, it's one of the Petrelli's boys, considering their parentage.  I just wish his plan wasn't so so dumb that he eventually had to pull back on it to prove that he wasn't, in fact, intellectually disabled.  

The scenes with Sylar and his dad were a little drawn out until the very end, but I kind felt like there was a double payoff there so I was okay with it.  We got to see Sylar punish his horrible dad, find a purpose and THEN (cheer with me people!)  he showed up at Creepy Hunter guy's apartment to TAKE HIM OUT!  I cannot even wait.  Even though it probably won't be easy (that dude must also have an ability, I think that is what Angela was implying during her oyster lunch/smackdown of him) but I cannot even wait to see Sylar kick that guy's ass.  I love that they keep giving us characters way more awful than                                            
Sylar, (a serial killer, let's not forget) so that we can keep rooting for him.  Because I have to be honest, I want to keep rooting for him.  I can't help it.  Maybe it's because I am sick.  Maybe it's because he is cute.  I don't know, but what I do know is that it's working for me.  

I liked Claire helping that horrible puppet man, and even though he hadn't really changed, I still think it was the right thing to do at this point.  They are in a war, and they are both on the same side at this point.  That's kind of all there is to it.  REBEL agree with me, and he is a boy genius, so I hope Claire doesn't feel too bad about unleashing that creep back onto the world.  The Heroes need pretty much all the help they can get at this point.

Hiro and Ando are now stuck with a baby.  Cool that Parkman's wife and kid are coming back into it, but must we continue to make these two look like complete buffoons?  I understand that Hiro's power has to be limited sometime or it takes away ALL if the urgency of the every situation, but where is the badass Hiro we saw in season one? I know this Hiro has gone through a completely different set of experiences, but we know he has it in him.  So let's move towards that a little bit.  I do not want to see these two changing diapers next week.  

Next week:  SYLAR KILLS THAT DUDE!!  Right?  Right?  This better happen Heroes producers, because I really hate that guy.

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