Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Fringe- Episode 2: I don't want to love a freak!

I am definitely still into this show! I liked the plot-of-the-week and all of the creepy, disgusting things that went with it (instant pregnancy, old man baby, eyeball out of socket, horrid serial killing while the victim is still awake, etc.) However the story of the week/police procedural is kind of boring to write about (and read about I'm sure) So I'm just going to stick to larger plot points/character arcs for this show. Also, don't expect too many pictures, because the Fringe site is really terrible.

So here's the big question for me, is Peter/Pacey some kind of lab rat freak?! I really hope that Walter did not grow him in a lab. For one, Peter is going to be pissed if his dad did that and two, the idea really creeps me out for some reason. I think that I may be prejudiced against people who were grown by their dads in a lab. Just a little though. I mean I would still date him/marry him and have his little freak babies (were I single of course!).

Question two is, will Olivia start to grow a personality anytime soon? She did make a pretty funny joke at the end ("I told her you were going to give me a raise.") But beyond that she has no sense of humor about the fact that she is running around with a crazy man who mutters and does insane things that work and a hot genius who is not very good with a gun. I mean a more interesting person totally would have made fun of Peter for his terrible gun-handling skills. I know I would have, and I am very interesting.

The big questions for the show (as opposed to me) are... What is the deal with Massive Dynamics? ("What do we do? What don't we do." Great slogan.) Is that lady evil, or are we just supposed to think that? Is Broyles evil? Is the government evil? (Probably.) I know Abrams is really good at building these huge back stories and mythologies, but I also know that they are trying to make Fringe more "drop in friendly" so you don't have to see every episode to get it. So maybe we will find things out a bit quicker with this one than on other Abrams shows.

Another back story that is intriguing me is "Who was Walter Bishop? Because now he is an awesome and kind of weirdly sweet crazy person. But I have a feeling that he wasn't always working on the side of good, and he might have known it. The whole manslaughter thing could easily be something that someone from Massive Dynamics/the Government/and evil Shadow Government/The Others railroaded him into, but it could just as easily be true. He is definitely living with some heavy burdens.

I thought the end was really powerful, with Peter singing 'Row, Row, Row Your Boat' to help his dad sleep. Right now I am pretty sure they are going to get all close and Peter will start to feel loving and forgiving and calling him "Dad" and all that, and then BOOM "You are a freak from a lab with no mother who would not exist if it weren't for my crimes against nature!" is going to come out. Also what was the deal with that last image? Were those just other "soldiers" that had been created in a lab by Bishop and that other crazy scientist guy? Did they look like the "son" who aged and died? Did they look like Peter?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I think J.J. can read my thoughts, because I am pretty sure the idea "God, I wish that somehow 'The X Files' and Pacey could both be back on television at the same bat time, same bat place." has popped into my head a couple times. I'd watch a show where he was surrounded by annoying teenagers who where whiny and he got to play the underdog, teacher-doing, dad-hating, boat-owning, endearing screw-up. Oh wait I did watch that show, and I cried a lot about it. Anyway, yeah to the return of Joshua Jackson! Yeah to the return of creepy, government conspiracy, quirky show on Fox!