Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Heroes! Villains?!

Here are some things we learned in the Heroes Season 3 premiere:

-All of the people we like are bad or will be bad pretty soon. Maybe. Except Hiro. Maybe, unless he does go bad instead of Ando. Or something.

-Future Peter has terrible problem solving skills. Was he just going to follow Nathan around constantly shooting at him every time he tries to say anything? That is a really bad plan.

-There seems to literally be no alternate future in which Peter does not have that scar on his pretty face. That bums me out.

-There seems to be no alternate future in which Claire gets to stay a blonde. Also kind of a bummer.

-We should laugh at the idea of someone living in Africa having a cell phone. Because they are savages, I guess. Real nice NBC.

-Matt is still pretty boring. But at least Molly has been sent away somewhere. No more "My Two Dads" for her!

-HRG is still pretty awesome! But when will he finally give in and team up with Claire-Bear?

-Mohinder has gone insane, leading to some very gross consequences.

-Maya can obviously not help but have sex with every single clinically insane man she happens to meet. I bet she would really like Nathan and all of his Malcolm McDowell hallucinations. Here's hoping she never wanders into a mental institution.

-Present Peter= Weevil! Yes, Weevil from Veronica Mars! Whom we can only see in reflection, just like on Quantum Leap! ("His only guide on this journey is Al, an observer from his own time...") Three awesome things combined into one! In the words of Jenn, "It's like Tim Kring read my diary!"

-Speaking of Veronica Mars, Elle is out on her ass! But at least she's not dead. And the fact that she electrocuted Sylar was pretty awesome.

-Hiro is silly. If you don't believe me, just check out the score to every one of his scenes. The music will let you know.

-Sylar's mom is ANGELA?!!!? For real?!!!

Now speaking as someone who didn't hate Season 2 with the same intense passion of most people, I think these first two episodes bode pretty well for Season 3. Peter knows who he is and isn't chasing around some annoying girl (still stuck in the horrible Shanti virus filled future I guess. Sorry Caitlin!) and Hiro isn't in ancient Japan, so right there are some big improvements. I am ready for Heroes to be awesome this season! So it better be.


jennypoo said...

i didn't even think of the whole quantum leap thing! awesome! also, i need more weevil in my life all the time. i think he should guest star on all of my favorite shows. do you think kristen bell got him on heroes because she feels the same way?

Anonymous said...

I am always impressed at how Mohinder, being a geniusey-science guy and all, does the dumbest things all the time! Sure buddy, inject that stuff into your arm, who cares if you have no idea what might happen (you turn scaley or something and it's gross to the max) My theory is that he becomes addicted to the stuff and he has to keep taking it to not get all gross and peely and that's why things are bad in the future and they are being "hunted" because it (the Hero Enzime or whatever) becomes an illegal drug. And don't even get me started on Maya, you're absolutely right she loves the crazy dudes too much. What in the world makes Future Claire think she can shoot and KILL Future Peter? He can do all sorts of crazy things including super healing/never dying like her, I thought that part was dumb. But other than that the only problem that I had with the first two episodes is that the second one had the same name as that horrendous Ashton Kutcher movie, I know it's an actual theory and all, but even still...