Thursday, February 5, 2009

Better Late than Never! 90210.

Ok, can I just say that I am so pissed that Rhonda turned out to be faking it! (It = a punctured lung? I don't really know how you fake that, but alright.) I have never wanted a TV character to cheat on his crazy faced girlfriend more than I wanted Ethan to cheat on Annie with that sweet, mousy car accident victim. Especially since it was Annie's lameness that caused her to get hit by Ethan in the first place. If she weren't such a baby about not getting the lead in the play and had just went to that incredibly fancy "You Got A Part!" party, the accident never would have happened. You also really can't blame Ethan for getting bored with Annie, because she is literally the most boring person on earth! Seriously, do the producers of 90210 really think that there was anyone NOT rooting for Ethan to dump Annie for Rhonda? Is that why they threw that random scene of Rhonda bouncing out of bed with ease? Or the scene where Ethan quits the play and Annie doesn't give a damn?! Because if this show had any desire to be true to her stupid-ass character, then she would have flipped out like an idiot, because that's what she does. Also, she pulls ridiculous faces, all the time. In case you haven't noticed.

Did anyone notice that a band named Carolina Liar played in this episode? They were pretty subtle about it so you might not have noticed.

Um, what was the deal with that random lesbian Black girl? It was as if we should have known her, but I didn't, and Navid didn't, and other than her, Navid seems to be Dixon's only friend, so it seems like he should have known her. I do like how they just randomly mentioned her lesbianess, so that she was no threat to Silver and Dixon (Even though she is Black like he is, so they are already almost a perfect couple! Just like Navid and his new Indian girlfriend!) But all of that aside, Silver and Dixon were cute, and maybe possibly even brought a tear to my eye, Just a little one though.

Now it is time to go to Prego-Town, population, Adrianna. Could Ty and his parents have telegraphed their awfulness any more obviously? Poor Adrianna is just constantly surrounded by even more obvious awfulness though, so she couldn't see it. At least Naomi talked some sense into her, again. I like how when Naomi is just a part of someone else's story, she is usually smart and non-annoying. They should never give her her own story. Then she would be the third best character on the show. (1st Brenda, 2nd Tabitha. I know they are both gone right now, but I can feel in my soul that they are coming back!!) But at least Adrianna got a free doctor's visit out of the whole experience.

And, she realized that even though up until now she has shown no redeeming qualities whatsoever, her mother loves her and isn't a totally horrible person all the time! (Is that actress pregnant herself or did they just think that the character should always wear weird shirts that are overly detailed in the stomach area?) So now her mother will stop driving her like donkey and actually be nice her I guess! Adrianna should have made a series of HUGE mistakes with her life sooner, if for nothing else than to make her mother be kind of nice to her. Even though her character is pretty dumb, you really can't help but feel for her, because her life is JUST SO TERRIBLE. I couldn't feel any sense of victory or of "Adrianna is so brave and badass" after her little video, because she is still pregnant with that jerkwad's baby, and the smartest and most stable person in her life is Naomi. That is not good. That poor child.

That drama teacher has a manjaw. That is all.

Next week: I only saw half the preview, and it did nothing to make me give a shit about the upcoming Valentine's Day Episode.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, I didn't see the episode...but random lesbian black girl also was in another episode where we found out she was a lesbian (Dixon thought he was getting hit on, the he realized the error of his ways). It's the episode where he goes to a party at her father's house and sings amazing grace at the end. If you missed it - it's not worth going back for.