Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Ho Hum. Heroes.

Oh Heroes. Why have you forsaken me like this? You make me all these promises ("Everything will be different now! We totally get where we've gone wrong, we're going to fix it!), give me all this build up and then....nothing. More of the same. Okay, so here's one thing that is wrong with the show that you have not yet seen fit to fix...everyone is a moron! I mean Peter does some stupid things sometimes (not shooting that dude, believing anything Nathan says, teaming up with Matt and Mohinder, etc.) but he looks like a fricken rocket scientist next to almost everyone else on this show! I mean let's take a look at the people this man has to deal with.

Matt- Matt is dumb. He never uses his power offensively, even though we know he can. He can put thoughts in people's minds, yet he just surrenders when people come to arrest him and imprison him forever. Great. Good plan. Also, he is yelly, attacks a man with super-strength like he is going to somehow kick his ass, and yells at Peter to walk into trap after trap, with no actual plan of how any of this is going to help them at all.
Mohinder- Mohinder is also dumb. Apparently he has known all about this stupid plan of Nathan's for at least a few weeks, and even after they are all arrested he doesn't see fit to mention it to anyone? Also, he doesn't think that maybe some of this will come out when Matt reads HRG's mind?! So maybe he should just come clean? Maybe? Nope, just let Matt see it in HRG's head instead. I am sure that will make him stop being such a yelly psycho.
Nathan- Nathan is an idiot. I mean his plan is literally the worst plan ever. I still cannot fathom for even two seconds how this seemed like a good idea to anyone.
Evil Hunter Dude- Really? Really? Your plan is to round up tons of super-powered people, put them all together, and then execute them. Right. There is just no way that could go wrong. It's almost as bad as Nathan's, but not quite, because at least he as an idea of what he wants to accomplish and I am sure he is up at all hours of the night thinking about ways to do it.
HRG- Um, I love HRG, but hasn't he yet figured out that doing a bunch of evil shit is not exactly protecting Claire very well. Also he met with Angela literally 10 feet away from where he was talking to Evil Hunter Dude. Like, if that guy had turned around or dropped a glove or something, their entire plan to take down this government program would have been instantly exposed.
Angela- If she went along with Nathan's plan for even five minutes, she cannot be as smart as she seems to be.
Claire-Your dad's kind of evil but he loves you! These two things can exist in one person! Let's just wrap your head around it and move on now please! (She wasn't even in this episode, but whatever.)
Ando and Hiro- They weren't in this episode either, so DO NOT EVEN get me started on them.
See what I am saying? Poor Peter! It's not like he has a wealth of intelligence to rely on for himself here, and somehow he has to take down a government plot to murder thousands of people with only the help of morons! It is no good.
Next week: Matt is going to blow up Washington DC! If they had aired this before the inauguration, people would have been like "Good Riddance."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And really let's be honest, the only thing that still has me rooting for Peter at this point is... I think he's cute and I like when he gets all intense and stuff. Heroes is going to have to do a lot! A lot of work! To get me back, and I am not just talking about the old flowers and candy routine... we are talking real change here. Like the writers will have to come up with something different to write about!!!! Please God! Do they think they can just pick a new city to blow up every couple of seasons and that will be enough? Next season... (humpf!as if I care if there EVEN IS A NEXT SEASON! at this point) Mohinder threatens to blow up Cleveland!
Krista... let's start blogging about Lost...fast!