Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Heroes: And your name again is?

Oh Heroes. I have been wanting to like you all season! I have been hyping you up to friends and family! I have been saying, "Oh don't worry this is the episode where it is going to get good!" I have been saying, "When they team up it will be AWESOME." And now, with only two episodes left in the season, you give me this. Some ridiculous psychological study of Sylar, reiterating things we already knew about the character and moving exactly ZERO plot points forward. (Maybe one? Hiro has a nosebleed?) Ugh. What could even happen in the series finale to make up for this season?

So Sylar is having an identity crisis. Poor you Sylar, poor you. I mean part of me likes the idea of Sylar actually doing something helpful to al la Micah's suggestion, but at this point, can we really turn a (pretty much) unrepentant serial killer into any kind of, well, hero? Also, he is always killing likable people who are nice to him, like Clint Howard, yet he continues to let that scourge upon the earth Danko live. I can't even believe that he lets Danko talk to him like that. If I were Sylar I would have killed that dude SO LONG AGO. If the next episode does not open with Sylar taking that knife out of his head and stabbing Danko in the throat with it, there is nothing that will convince me that this show will ever be good again.

Hiro and Ando are bickering like an old married couple again. Even though I find Ando startlingly hot, he was annoying the crap out of me here. Is he really back to complaining that Hiro doesn't see him as an equal? These two need therapy. And apparently, Hiro needs a doctor, because his nose is bleeding, and on TV, nose bleeds pretty much always mean a character is on death's door.

How does Sylar get the clothes people are wearing when he shapeshifts? Are clothes part of our DNA now?

Nathan, as usual, is making horrible decisions. Why not let your super-powered family help you out instead of flying off alone to either get killed by Sylar or captured by Danko? Also, why not go unarmed to the place that Sylar is most likely to be? Nathan has the worst problem solving skills I have ever seen. It is unbelievable.

Why did Sylar need to pull a gun on Nathan? Just to show he had it? I mean he has about a million offensive powers and Nathan has one defensive one. A gun seems really unnecessary.

Poor Micah. No one should have to witness Sylar's weird becoming-his-mother-and-having-a -conversation-with-her thing. That was creepy to the max. Micah is definitely the best character on this show BY A MILE though.

Hey Matt Parkman, guess you are totally over that Daphne chick who you were so sure was your true love and just DIED, huh? Guess it wasn't really love like you thought it was, because you are running back to Janice pretty quickly my friend. Also, you are one of the dumbest people on this show, and on a show filled with idiots, that is a tall order.

Oh and in case you forgot, Mohinder is on this show. Getting caught by agents while wildly looking at old film strips or something. Cool.

Next week: Nathan loves Peter. Sylar is creepy to Claire. THINGS ARE GOING TO HAPPEN! Maybe. Probably not.

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