Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Heroes- OMG Just band together already! This is killing me!

Okay, so they actually made us watch some more scenes of digging up dead bodies, which you may or may not remember I specifically asked them not to do, but apparently the producers of Heroes don't really care about what I want. (Obviously.) Because if they did, they probably wouldn't have created yet another backstory for our characters. But they did.

I thought this episode was kind of meh. I mean we got a lot of the same character notes as always, Claire wants to be normal but can't, Nathan wants to do right but doesn't know how, HRG is conflicted, Mohinder is dumb, Peter is cute, Angela is guilt-ridden. And there were just so many things that DO NOT ADD UP that it was driving me insane! Such as:

Chandra Suresh- so he spent all this time researching and trying to prove that people could have these abilities, had a daughter with these abilities, AND he used to run an internment camp for people with abilities. Alright sure. That's why he was so excited when he met Sylar, called him Patient 0 and acted like he had never seen anything like it before. That makes sense.

Angela- She has gone from evil to sympathetic more times than well...HRG!! And if she had previously lived in a darn internment camp for people with powers WHY WOULD SHE SUPPORT NATHAN when he wanted to create one. Why not say, "hey, actually they tried this and it did not go well."

Peter-Why do people keep telling him that he needs to forgive them and THEY NEED TO FORGIVE HIM? What has Peter done to anyone? I mean his mother plotted to destroy New York, his brother tried to imprison him and kill him, and he's done what, like, forget a birthday or something? (Future him did shoot Nathan, but I don't think present him can really be held responsible for that! Besides, who among us has not wanted to shoot Nathan at some point?) I would smack these people if I were him. My only consolation is that he really looked like he wanted to.

Mohinder- Just gonna chill with Storm over at Coyote Sands. Forget banding together with other Heroes and HRG, he's just going to feel sorry for himself and beat himself up for cocooning people and all that other screwed up stuff he's done. Okay, good plan dude. Ugh I hate Mohinder.

Alice/Storm- Controlling the weather? Really? I always had a hard time with this power in X-Men too. I mean I get that it is no less related to genetics than being able to stop time or teleport, but I don't know, I just don't like it. Also, Alice in 1961 seemed to be a fairly savvy little girl (though Angela treated her like she was a total moron) so I have a hard time believing she just stayed there and grew up into this weird child-woman. And I love how Angela actually says the words, "I'm never going to see her again." Well thanks for wasting our time with that story then.

The only actually cool thing that happened was Sylar pretending to be Nathan (I love how the entirety of Nathan's plan is "Go to Washington, and um, fix stuff, I guess." Great. I think Angela's blackmail, kill, and erase memories plan is WAY WAY BETTER) There are only two episodes left, we still haven't seen all of our characters in one place, (which was the promise of the entire season) and I am just getting annoyed. These next two episodes better be awesome.


Unknown said...

Oh this show is pretty much driving me insane at this point. You're absolutely right they wasted an entire episode on Angela's stupid sister who we will never see again. They could have let us know that she was in the internment camp, she left her sister, she feels guilty about it, she was hanging out with Peter's future girlfriend's dad and Linderman when they were teenagers,in like... five minutes. But if they did that, then the episode would have had to have been about something. Remember back in Season 1, when there was a mission. A clearly defined mission. New York was going to explode and they needed to 'Save the cheerleader, save the world'? There were some shady characters, some mystery, but all in all they worked together, had a common fight and saved the world. I am watching last night and thinking to myself... "Where the heck is this going?" I have absolutely no idea. I guess they have to take out Danko, and I guess they have to figure out how to take down Sylar. (Sylar by the way is the coolest character, not bumbling, not dumb, he should be in every episode and yet whole sections of the show are devoted to the excruciatingly annoying Parkman and the now ridiculous "Hiro & Ando Cutesy Time Show") But really, it's painful at this point.
I couldn't believe that they actually had lines in there where Nathan is telling Peter that he forgives him. That's awesome Nathan, because Peter hasn't done anything wrong. In fact he's spent this entire season trying to undo all of the terrible, awful, unforgivable things you have been doing to your friends and family members...
I am just about ready to forget Heroes ever happened because it's getting so ridiculous and this is coming from a person who absolutely loves a show about a time traveling island...

Anonymous said...

I actually enjoyed this episode a lot more than Krista and Stephanie obviously, as long as I did not think about it to hard. Once you start thinking about it at all, that is when you realize that this show has gotten sort of ridiculous. I mean, it all started out with Chandra (girls name by the way) Suresh's "theory" that people with special abilities exist. Now we find out that he knew that, and was part of their internment in 1961--then WHY THE HELL WAS HE JUST GUESSING ABOUT IT IN 2007???

I have to admit I liked the flashbacks, seeing young Angela, Linderman, etc. and the scenes of the camp. It did tie things together a little bit, and showed why they were so motivated to lie, kill, erase people's memories, etc. Why, however, Angela would then decide that interment camps were a good idea, and support Nathan's horrible plans, is even more of a mystery now.

Parkman, Mohinder, Hiro, and Ando are just ridiculous stupid idiotic characters at this point. I actually think it would help the show if they became victims of Danko....maybe the show could move forward without their stupidity.

Another plus in this episode was how hot Nathan looked, he looks just as good all scruffy and dirty as he does in a suit and tie. I would forgive him too.

Unknown said...

Nathan did look hot all dusty and in leather... I will give you that.