Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Ok, so I guess if God is on their side, they're not completely outmatched--Heroes.

I liked this week's Heroes, it was kind of a character piece, which this show desperately needed. Even if the motivations revealed don't exactly match past actions, at least we have some kind of idea of where these characters are moving forwards. So, let's list it out! (Yes, I'm doing a liked/disliked list. It wasn't that good.)

Here's what I liked:

Angela and Peter. I thought that their scenes read pretty true to the characters and their pasts, and like Angela admitting that she's made huge mistakes and paid untold prices trying to save the world. She was warning Peter as well as asking him for forgiveness and understanding. The whole "Peter's pissed at God thing" seems kind of hokey on the surface, but honestly, if I were Peter, I'd be pretty pissed at God myself. Crazy powers + crazy family? = things not going very well for Peter.

Nathan and Claire were cute together. Also, Nathan looked so damn good in that three-piece suit that these two could have done pretty much anything and I would have been okay with it. Though I really wish when Nathan was describing how he reacted to Claire's conception it would have gone more like this: "I did what I always do. What I'm doing now. I created an elaborate, nonsensical plan with no clear idea of where I wanted it to go..." Because that is what Nathan always does. He's probably doing it right now to try to fix the damage his last elaborate nonsensical plan has inflicted.

Sylar messing with Danko and getting under his skin, even after Danko was so sure he wouldn't let him.

New power= Shapeshifting! I love to see a new power! I'm kind of glad that this power is painful and hard, otherwise it would make things too easy for Sylar.

Claire has great chemistry with both her Dad's!

They fixed Claire's hair! (Sort of.)

No Parkman glowering over Daphne! Hooray!

The Petrelli's are getting back together! YES!

Um, sort of mentioned before, but Sylar, Peter and Nathan were all looking pretty hot.

Ok, things that could have been better:

It was a pretty slow episode, not bad, but I kept thinking, "Oh this has to be over in a minute, right?"

Nathan! What is your plan? Make an actual non-stupid plan before you go back to DC!!

I guess now we are finding out that Danko isn't really as good at rounding up people with abilities as we thought he was and he needs Sylar's help? Because that kind of contradicts everything we have seen about him so far.

I really want Sylar to kill Danko, but now it seems like they are in some kind of weird love! Danko likes to feed Sylar powered brains and watch him kill people. Come to think of it, they may be a perfect match for each other.

Now that I think about it, the shapeshifting means lots "I bet that's Sylar....Ooh, that must be Sylar...Sylar is probably that guy now..." coming up in the near future.

Still hate the whole HRG is working for Danko but not really thing. He's not even making any headway stopping any of this, or at least we're not seeing it. He did let Angela and Peter go though, to remind us, once again, that he is a morally gray character. Remember?

No Parkman this week= yes Parkman next week.

I want Peter to get his power back. It bums me out every time I realize that his only power right now is flying.

Urgh, I just still hate that Danko! Something awful better happen to this guy at some point.

Next week:
Angela is taking us back to where "our story begins". Okay, I'm ready.


Anonymous said...

Parkman is really not that bad, give the guy a break--I mean now the Daphne is dead and stuff, he may get motivated to use his cool power like he should!

Anonymous said...

Nathan looked so totally hot in that episode, and is so hot in most of the episodes that it almost makes me forget that this is his stupid, evil plan that is causing all of the problems. He is really hot.

On the other hand, I cannot even stand to look at that evil bald man, I mean he is soooo ugly it is unpleasant to watch him on TV. Kill him soon Sylar....please!